Jun 6, 2010

· 350g or 2 x 200g pots of chicken livers.
· 150ml red wine, P’06 is great
· 1 sprig of thyme
· 1 bay leaf
· 25g unsalted butter
· 2 tablespoons of olive oil
· 1 large onion chopped
· 1 leek (optional) chopped thinly
· 1 large clove of garlic, swashed and chopped
· 1 tablespoon of brandy or cognac
· 125g unsalted butter (soft)
· 100ml cream
· ½ teaspoon of salt
· freshly ground pepper.
. 2 X 70grm packs of walnut pieces
Clean the chicken livers and put them in a bowl with the red wine, thyme and bay leaf for 4 hours (less if you like but not more)
Strain wine and herb mixture off and keep for later
In a large frying pan add olive oil and heat till very hot. Sear the chicken livers until brown on both sides (about 30 secs each side) remove from the pan
Turn the heat down and add 25g of butter, add the onions, garlic and leak and cook until they have softened and turned clear.
Return the chicken livers to the pan. Add the reserved red wine and herb mixture, and the 25ml of brandy. (if your pan is hot it will flame… so watch out!)
Cover and let cook for 4 minutes, remove the cover and reduce the liquid by half (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan.)
Remove the bay leaf and the thyme sprig and put the mix into a low dish to cool, this is most important.
When the mixture is just warm, tip into a food processor or for a very smooth mix a blender.
Add the cream, butter and salt. Pulse until very smooth. Tip into a mixing bowl.
Fold in the walnut pieces and course grind in the pepper. This keeps these whole and give a great look to the pate` when cut.
Pour into a small loaf tin or individual ramekins, cover the top with baking paper and plastic wrap, refrigerate for at least 8 hours. In the ramekins instead of the paper you can once it has set a bit, say 2 hours, you can pour melted butter over the top. This will seal it and can be removed at serving time.
Taste is best after about 2 days
Serve with crusty bread or melba toast and some crunchy carrot and celery strips,
and of course a glass of Kerr Farm Pinotage.
Cheers Jaison